Well, there are 97 days until I graduate from Utah State University... a thought that is still overwhelming to me... but not as much as it once was. I have found an internship up on campus working for UPR (Utah Public Radio) an affiliate of NPR (National Public Radio). I have been titled the "All Things Considered Producer" as well as "Sunday Announcer."
I am here now, Sunday morning January 31, 2010. I have really enjoyed working at the station! Coming in almost everyday either doing training to be an announcer, announcing, helping Tom Williams the All Things Considered Host, converting programs from Adobe Audition to DadPro32, getting new content to be read over the air, editing already prepared material, and my favorite... doing phone interviews. I've been patched through to a Senators cell phone, talked to the IRS Media Relations representative, the Sundance Director and more! So fun!
I love the feeling of being important, to have a job that needs to get done... knowing how to do it... and getting er done! It is a thrill.
The future seems brighter than it as before. I have found a passion. Radio. Not sure if I want to continue in Public Radio for the rest of my life... or maybe go into Commercial Radio... but I have found a couple stations in California that I would like to apply for. KPCC 89.3 Southern California Public Radio, and KQED 88.5 Northern California Public Radio.
Last year, before I discovered my love for radio, I had no idea where I was going to apply or what I was going to do with my life. Now I have a direction, not only a direction, but a PASSION! How exciting. The future seems less scary.
Now the tricky part... actually getting a job in the field I want. I'll keep you posted!